What's the difference?
Therapists/counselors are licensed, trained professionals that help with serious mental health issues like addiction, trauma, chronic depression or anxiety, suicidal thoughts, or other mental health challenges.
Therapists/counselors tend to focus on the past and present. They focus on "why" certain behavioral patterns occur.
Therapists/counselors have rigorous standards for training, supervision, and practice, as governed by state or other jurisdictional licensing boards.
Coaching is primarily concerned with the present and future, not the past. Coaching believes in looking at the here and now.
Coaching focuses on the present state and feelings to power new awareness that effects change, but it does not generally dig deeply into past events. Coaches work on "how" to work toward a goal.
Coaches are there to interrupt, mirror, reflect, and call the client forth to help them design actions that break the barriers to their own transformation.
Coaching is not meant to go on forever.
Do I need counseling or coaching?
Counseling helps you cope better day-to-day; coaching helps you take positive action. If you're feeling overwhelmed and are struggling to cope with everyday tasks, a counselor can help you find a way to cope. If, day-to-day, you're getting by OK but know you want to achieve more, a coach may be more suitable.
If you have any questions please contact me, I'd be happy help steer you in the right direction.